
It’s beginning to look a lot like Cocktails…

I am so excited to announce that TheFashionBreak will be introducing a sister branch under its ever growing umbrella. Our new segment, TheCocktailBreak, will be about everything cocktails🍸! I wanted to start this segment because I have grown to have a very fancy love for cocktails. I will drive far and wide for a well crafted drink. The perfect day for me is to go to a swanky hotel bar or fancy restaurant, sit at the bar and watch the bartenders work their magic✨. During my explorations, I have meet some amazing people who I now call friends and learned quite a bit about my drinking preference which I will get into more in later posts. 

Join me on my quest to find the best happy hours, Sunday brunches, rooftops and of course, the best cocktails in the city. I will be letting you guys in on my go to spots in Atlanta as well as other cites that I have visited. For updates please follow our instagram page, TheCocktailBreak to stay up to date on my latest adventures! 

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