5 Months Later…

*insert new year here*

Here we are 5 months later and I am tired and mentally drained. Tired of wearing a mask everywhere I go and being judged for not wearing one while walking the dog. Tired of the work, home, essential store run schedule. Tired of people testing positive at work and because it’s the “new normal” my job doesn’t care bout my well-being. Tired of Facetiming my friends for social interaction. Tired of ordering take out and drinking at home pretending to be at my favorite restaurants. Tired of Netflix, FireStick and Amazon!

In addition to 5 months of quarantine, as a BLACK person in Trumps America, I have had to sit through far too many police killings of my people over and over and over again. Constantly, we are marching, rioting, looting, shouting, fighting, writing, boycotting and NOTHING happens. I have watched Atlanta literally turn into a war zone overnight and still NOTHING happens. America have watch several men, women, children, transgender… BLACK PEOPLE slaughtered on Facebook live, Instagram and every news outlet and STILL NOTHING HAPPENS

Speaking of Trump, I have to now listen to him and his administration for the next 3 months lie to America, better yet the WORLD about how COVID-19 is a hoax and how the Democrats are “stealing the election”. I have to vote for candidates that I don’t too much care for personally because I refuse to sit in 4 more years of this shit show. Watch one of the most important mailing and shipping services go down the drain to basically suppress votes. Since we’re here, let’s not forget about all the small businesses that will suffer YET AGAIN if the US Postal Service goes away. Is this real life right now?

I know many of you come here to “escape reality and indulge in the Fabulous Life” but I just felt I needed to vent. I’m sure many of you will understand my frustration or might be going through the same struggle as me. Just know, there’s a light at the end of every tunnel and eventually, we will get though this…some how, some way TOGETHER❤️ 

Stay Fashionable, My Friends!



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