Are You Ready for Amazon to Have Keys to Your Home??

Oh don’t worry…it’s just Amazon delivering my new shoes

Oct. 25th Amazon release word of its ever growing brand latest service, Amazon Key. Based on different sources, Amazon Key will allow couriers to leave packages safely at your door…literally because they will have a key. Amazon Key is a in-home kit that includes Amazon Cloud Cam, a smart lock and lastly the download of the self titled app. Through the app, customers will get up-to-date notifications on when the package ships, when the couriers arrives and also they can watch them coming into the home and drop off the package!

At first thought, I thought this was a cool service since most of America is never home when packages are delivered anyway and who really have time to rush to the leasing office after work? Not I!  Then on second thought, it’s kinda creepy and opens a world of different questions bout the safety of your home. “Will these couriers come back and rob me after work?” “Do I want strangers entering may home while I’m away?” A pro to the company’s new service is that not only can Amazon have a virtual key to your home, but anybody you would like can have access to a key through the app. This idea is great for out of town guest that arrive before you get home from work or if you have children so they can let themselves after school without having the responsibility of losing a million keys.

Whether America is on board or not, Amazon is planning to roll out its new service to all its Prime subscribers on Nov. 8th in 37 selected cities. If you want to opt in to this service it brings a pricey tag of $249.99 for the kit. Will you let Amazon in your home?

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